Trusted defense contractor
At NCT, we understand that federal prime contractors and agencies face a number of challenges due to the ever-changing industry landscape.
Federal prime contractors and federal agencies face increasing challenges performing their acquisition and contract functions. Rapidly changing acquisition and suppliers workforce demographics combined with ever-changing acquisition policies, regulations, oversight requirements, and customer demands make it more difficult than ever for agencies and primes to achieve the productivity, efficiency, and quality demanded. As an experienced Woman Owned small business we help primes and agencies fulfill their commitments by relying on a proven partner with deep domain expertise.
NCT is committed to helping you succeed by applying our expertise to your acquisition issues, mission challenges, and strategic goals that will support your organization. In our commitment to acquisition support for program managers and prime contractors, we emphasize solutions for building performance-based requirements complete with planned work structure, key performance metrics, relevant bid evaluation factors, and proper contract administration and oversight techniques. For more information please contact us.